On 21st October last year – the fourth anniversary of the death of the historical revisionist and literary scholar, Professor Robert Faurisson – the usual suspects removed the online blog hosting a comprehensive archive of his writings in several languages.
Thanks to the work of Professor Faurisson’s righthand man and translator, the blog has been restored at a new address, robert-faurisson.com
This blog remains under construction with material being added and adapted to the new format.
Among the most recent additions is an important rediscovery: an audio recording of a speech delivered by Professor Faurisson in New York in 1980, to a group of revisionists convened by Fritz Berg.

This period was a turning point in revisionist history. As implied by the meeting chairman, this was the early days of what has since become the established religion of Holocaustianity.
The American miniseries Holocaust had first been broadcast only two years earlier, in April 1978, and then rebroadcast in September 1979, just a few months before this meeting. It was first broadcast in Germany in January 1979 and undoubtedly had more impact than any of the more ‘serious’ treatments of the topic by the likes of Claude Lanzmann, with far more brainwashing effect on Germans than the immediate postwar propaganda by Anglo-American occupiers.
Robert Faurisson’s first reaction to this Hollywood production appears on the blog (in French) here. In English his comments, headed “The docudrama Holocaust or the end of a taboo”, translate as follows:
Hitler’s “gas chambers” never existed.
The “genocide” (or: the attempted “genocide”) of the Jews never took place.
Those so-called “gas chambers” and that so-called “genocide” are one and the same lie.
This lie is of essentially Zionist origin.
It has allowed a gigantic political-financial swindle of which the State of Israel is the chief beneficiary.
This lie was denounced by the Germans as early as 1944.
From 1945 to the present day it has also been denounced by Frenchmen, Britons and Americans.
For thirty years, the general public knew nothing of the fact that the lie had been exposed. The mainstream media said nothing about this. On the contrary, they repeated the lie in an ever more deafening way.
From 1974-1975, they started talking about those who exposed the lie. With insults, and distortions of their words. They said, for example: “These people are Nazis, madmen, cranks. They deny the obvious. They dare to say that the Nazi concentration camps and their crematory ovens didn’t exist.”
In 1977, the mass media continued still more vigorously. They put out cries of alarm. They said that Nazism was reappearing in Germany and a bit all over the world.
Not once have they agreed to give those whom they accuse a chance to speak.
Not once have they made known the precise opinions of the people accused.
Why is this?
Because they are afraid that the general public, on seeing what these people actually are and what they actually say, will realise that they have been lied to.
The general public would see that they are serious people, well informed, concerned with the truth and not with propaganda. They have never denied the existence of the concentration camps and the crematory ovens. They say that those camps existed and they add that the Germans were neither the first nor the last to use concentration camps. They say that those crematory ovens also existed and they add that there is nothing bad about burning corpses rather than burying them, above all in places where there is a risk of epidemic.
Moreover, they say that never did Germany’s leaders either give the order or equip themselves with the means to kill anyone simply because of his or her race or religion. The alleged “holocaust” of six million Jews is a lie orchestrated, like it or not, by the media. The American film Holocaust, described as a “docudrama”, is nothing but a farce and a political and commercial operation to boot. It constitutes the admission that now, in 1978, the Zionist taboo can choose only between sex-shop Nazism and show business hype.

Yet in the thirty-five years since Holocaust was first broadcast, cultural ‘occupation’ has proved more relentless than literal military occupation. Reportedly around half of the West German population watched the series.
Robert Faurisson pioneered the resistance to this brainwashing, and in 2023 his work is more relevant than ever before, as the reach of Holocaustian laws spreads even to countries such as the UK, Spain and Canada that were once relative havens of free historical investigation.
The Vincent Reynouard extradition hearing in Edinburgh next month will be an important stage in this steady encroachment of tyranny. It will be said that this is not backdoor criminalisation, because Vincent’s ‘crime’ was committed in France and it is ‘simply’ a matter of extraditing him to face French justice, regardless of the fact that he infringed no UK law.
But the effect is to move towards acceptance by the British media (and by British police and border control officers who collaborate with their European counterparts) that ‘Holocaust deniers’ and ‘Nazis’ are ipso facto criminals.
A campaign of resistance to this tyranny is being prepared. Keep watching this site for further details, coming soon.