The Dresden Holocaust – February 1945
Between 13th-15th February 1945, the Royal Air Force and its American counterpart the USAAF carried out the greatest crime of the Second World War, destroying...
Between 13th-15th February 1945, the Royal Air Force and its American counterpart the USAAF carried out the greatest crime of the Second World War, destroying...
The German publisher and educator Ursula Haverbeck, now aged 95, faces renewed efforts to jail her for daring to speak and write "forbidden" opinions about...
Readers will have heard rumours for some months that the great historian David Irving is seriously ill. This morning a statement from his family confirmed...
Am 26. Januar 2024 bestätigte das höchste Zivilgericht Schottlands, dass das Ersuchen Frankreichs um die Auslieferung von Vincent Reynouard bewilligt wird. Das Urteil des Court...
Cet essai de Peter Rushton a été initialement publié en anglais sur ce site. Il paraît maintenant en traduction française par M. Francis Goumain, avec...
The French revisionist scholar Vincent Reynouard, who has been held in Edinburgh prison since his arrest in November 2022, will be extradited to France next...
On 24th January in Vichy the Robert Faurisson International Prize was awarded to the American revisionist scholar Arthur Butz, associate professor of electrical engineering at...
This afternoon in Edinburgh the President of the Court of Session, Lord Carloway, rejected the appeal against extradition to France of Vincent Reynouard, the exiled...
The appeal hearing in the case of Vincent Reynouard was heard in Edinburgh on Thursday, 11th January 2024 before a panel of judges of the...
Eine öffentliche Anhörung im Rahmen von Vincent Reynouards Berufungsverfahren fand am 11. Januar 2024 in Edinburgh am obersten Zivilgericht Schottlands (Court of Session) statt. Das...